Red Hot Profiles & Laser Services Quality Policy is to achieve sustained, profitable growth by providing services which consistently satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers, to maintain an effective assurance system complying with the international standard ISO 9001:2000 and to continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality Management System.
This level of quality is achieved through adoption of a system of procedures that reflect the competence of our company to existing customers, potential customers, and independent auditing authorities. Achievement of this policy involves all staff, who are individually responsible for the quality of their work. Resulting in a continually improving working environment for all.
The policy and objectives are provided and explained to each employee by the CEO/MR and is reviewed annually for continuing suitability. To achieve and maintain the required level of assurance the CEO retains responsibility for the Quality System with routine operation controlled by the MR (Management Representative).
The Objectives of the Quality Assurance System are:
- To maintain an effective assurance system complying with the internationalStandard ISO 9001:2000.
- To achieve and maintain a level of quality which enhances the company’s Reputation with customers.
- To Endeavour at all times, to maximize customer satisfaction with the services Provided by Red Hot Profiles & Laser Services.
- To ensure on time delivery of defect free product. e) To create a working environment that is not only professional but enjoyable as Well.